“Men Are The Custodians Of The Culture – They Have The Power To Enforce The Anti-FGM Law!” - SAMUEL MWANGI

It is estimated that more than 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) in the countries where the practice is concentrated, but as pressure grows to end the horror of FGM, it is becoming clear that the last word may lie with ‘men’ or ‘potential husbands’.
However, majority of men are in denial or silent to the menace of this practice that has too often gone under the name of "female circumcision", which makes it sound as innocuous as what is done to baby boys, but its actual purpose has been stated as "the control of women's libido".

These passive set of men see it as ‘a women's issue only’ though to their credence, the bizarre aspect of it is that it is ‘women-cutters’, who actually do the deed.
The reality is that understanding the types of men who support female genital mutilation can help campaigners to end the practice and importantly, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) will never end until men also throw their weight behind efforts to eradicate the potentially deadly practice – that is why one male, SAMUEL MWANGI (@mwas_2), an anti-FGM activist believes men must get involved in the fight to end FGM.
Born in Nyeri, Kenya (approximately 110 miles from Nairobi) – the Nyeri people are small-scale farmers and in most cases, women are the breadwinners of the family – the resilience of his grandma gave Samuel a passion to fight for Women’s Rights, which he felt that they are being marginalized by the patriarchal society.

Samuel Mwangi @mwas_2

In an interview, Samuel disclosed to @stampoutgbv that he is yet to open an organization (though plans are underway) but is very active in his fight in the social media platforms.

On what propelled his fight against FGM, he explained, “I listened to several victims and felt very disappointed on this Rights violation and decided I must speak out and help the much needed change in our society.”

He spoke more on FGM and how men can help eliminate this practice – excerpts.

@stampoutgbv: For men who were born in countries, or claim ancestry from ethnic groups where FGM is practised, why do these men believe that FGM makes women 'better wives' and ‘in control of their sexual desires’?

Sam @mwas_2: Men from place where FGM is practiced feel that circumcised women will not have sexual desires and thus, will be faithful.

@stampoutgbv: In  Somalia and some parts of African, FGM is a criteria for marriage – specifically in Somalia, when a man finds out after the wedding that his lady is not circumcised, he will send her back home the next day; so, what is your take on this on FGM being a criteria for marriage in many African countries?

Sam @mwas_2: This is very wrong and FGM should not be a standard for marriage. Such men ought to join hands to fight the vice. I believe such should use their voice to eliminate the vice

@stampoutgbv: In  a lot of instances, it's the women in these communities that insist on upholding the tradition of FGM, mothers, grandmothers (etc) – so, how do men take it as a ‘household task’ to talk these women out of the practice?

Sam @mwas_2: It is true that happens but if that is their culture, men are the custodians for the culture. They can stamp their authority to stop it.

@stampoutgbv: What are the basic reactions from men in urban and rural areas of Africa – do they think that the practice of FGM should be continued (or should it be stopped)?

Sam @mwas_2: Most men, to be honest, are non-committal. They feel this is non-issue until they are met with the effects and they are called upon to intervene. Although many feel the vice needs to be stopped and laws effected.

@stampoutgbv: Is it possible for a man to tell if his partner was cut or not, and does the Law bind a woman from disclosing this to her husband if she doesn’t want to?

Sam @mwas_2: A man can tell if the lady is cut. I believe partners know each other well and one is open like a book to the other. In my country, FGM is banned – practising it is illegal.

@stampoutgbv: Are men negatively affected themselves in their relationship by FGM having happened to their partners? If “yes,” how are they negatively affected?

Sam @mwas_2: Men must be affected negatively. There are health effects of FGM that must affect the man. Also psychological effects of a woman who was violated against her wish.

@stampoutgbv: Have men discussed the effects FGM has had on their sex lives with you? If “yes,” what are the effects – themselves and their wives?

Sam @mwas_2: It is hard for men to discuss about their sex-life especially in Africa set up.

@stampoutgbv: Do you believe the UNICEF report (2013) that showed that in 16 African countries, the percentage of men who want to stop FGM is higher than the rate of women who want to stop FGM? The basis of this question is this: a recent online poll showed that the percentage of men who wants it stopped is lower than the rate of woman who wants it stopped.

Sam @mwas_2: Yes and No. Most men take it like non-issue. Factual is that women know the effect and thus, are determined to end it. The origin is male dominated culture. Culturally, men want to tame their women, but in urban setting, education has set many women free.

@stampoutgbv: How can men handle social pressure since it is common for the elders in their communities to override their decisions and have the girls cut?

Sam @mwas_2: Tough act to balance between respect and reality. Sometimes it is good to say “NO” and stick to it. Fighting for our sisters is the key and the elders will give in to pressure and persistence.

@stampoutgbv: Why do men need to get involved in the fight against Female Genital Mutilation and how can they be encouraged to join the fight?

Sam @mwas_2: Originally, FGM was cultural and selfish way by men on women sexuality. Men have the power to enforce the anti-FGM Law. Men need to be encouraged in all fronts to join the cause. Anti-FGM organizations can work with elders and faith-based men organizations to be the change.


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